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Learn to Skate Programme

Learn to Skate Programme Schedule

Day Session Time
Thursday 🧑‍🦳 Adult Learn to Skate 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM
Saturday 🧒 Under 16’s Beginner (Level 1 – 5) 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Saturday 🏅 Under 16’s Advanced (Level 6 – Gold) 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Sunday 🏅 Under 16’s Advanced (Level 6 – Gold) 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Sunday 🧒 Under 16’s Beginner (Level 1 – 5) 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM

Learn to Skate Courses

Course Option Price Duration Lesson Details Additional Benefits Extras Available
🔵 4 Week Learn to Skate UK Course 💰 £60.00 📅 4 Weeks ⏳ 30-Minute Group Lesson x4 ✅ Access to public session after lesson
✅ 1 Free Spectator
✅ Skate Hire included
📘 Free Record of Achievement booklet (on first course)
🏅 Level Badges (£5.00)
📜 Level Certificates (£3.00)
🔹 Weekly Learn to Skate UK Course (Pay as you go) 💰 £17.50 📅 1 Week ⏳ 30-Minute Group Lesson x1 ✅ Access to public session after lesson
✅ 1 Free Spectator
✅ Skate Hire included
📘 Record of Achievement booklet (£5.50)
🏅 Level Badges (£5.00)
📜 Level Certificates (£3.00)

Skate UK is designed for beginner skaters of any age! No previous skating experience is needed, and you’ll be taught by supportive, British Ice Skating-qualified coaches who will guide you through our Fundamental Skills Grades at the right pace for you. 

What will I be taught?

You’ll be coached to progress through our eight Fundamental Skills Grades, which cover the essential A,B,Cs of an ice skater’s development:

Agility, Balance, and Coordination

Levels 1-3: Discovering Skills Phase

Levels 4-6: Developing Skills Phase

Levels 7-8: Consolidating Skills Phase

The programme is designed to engage your interest, build your confidence, and challenge your athletic and technical development in ice skating as you progress through the levels. 

How will I be assessed?

Each Skills Grade has a set of exercises you’ll need to demonstrate before moving onto the next grade. Your learning objectives and assessment criteria will be clearly outlined for you so you always know what you’re working towards.

Our new Skate UK course has been developed with Activity Alliance insight and guidance to make it inclusive and accessible. This is part of our broader aim of making ice skating an experience as many people can share as possible. The dispensation model allows for reasonable adjustments to be made to the assessment criteria where appropriate as follows:

Dispensation A: Adapted skill of approximately 50% – the skater should attempt this unaided

Dispensation B: Full skill to be performed aided. This might be a skating aid or another person such as a coach or another skater. Dispensation C: Full flexibility to perform the adapted skill whilst aided.

What level of skating will Skate UK get me to? 

Levels 1-3 “Discovering” Skill Phase: encompasses the fundamental skating skills required to start your ice skating journey.

By the end of this phase skaters will have a clear understanding of forward & backward skating, forward & backward stopping and of edges and how to use them. 

Levels 4-6 “Developing” Skill Phase: strengthens the fundamental skating skills and builds upon them. On completion of this phase skaters will have a working knowledge of forward & backward stroking, forward & backward crossovers and transitioning from forwards to backwards and backwards to forwards Levels 7-8 “Consolidating” Skill Phase: embeds and reinforces previously taught skills and links them together to increase skating quality, confidence, and consistency. 

Once you complete Skate UK, you will have mastered the basics of skating – if you want to continue learning you can progress onto our Skate Star programmes which teach more advanced skating skills.



The Skate Star programme is the next step for skaters after they complete our Skate UK Fundamental Skills Grades 1-8. Moving on to focus on specific disciplines of ice skating, completing these grades will allow you to move forward onto our National Test structure and into competitions as a British Ice Skating member.

Who is Skate Star for?

Skate Star is for anyone who would like to continue their ice skating journey by moving on to more advanced skills required in specific ice skating disciplines. Whether you focus on one discipline path or try and complete them all, it’s a great way to take your skating to the next level.

What are the different Skate Star paths?

There are four different Skate Star paths (figure skating, ice dance, pair skating and synchronized skating) which each have Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards available. Skate Star allows skaters to learn more about different skating disciplines while enhancing their skills; you can focus on one specific discipline, or work your way through as many of the paths and levels as you want!

Figure skating

Figure skating is where skaters skate individually, performing, jumps, spins and steps.

Ice Dance

Skaters compete either solo or as a couple. Ice dance focuses on footwork, edges, steps/ turns and spins with emphasis on timing, rhythm and musical interpretation

Pair skating
Pair skaters perform jumps, spins and steps and also partnered elements such as overhead lifts, throws and death spirals.


Synchronized skating

Synchronized skating is where skaters compete as a team, performing various footwork, steps and various skating moves in time with each other and the music.

How are Skate Star levels taught and assessed?

Apart from a lot of pride in your achievement, completion of any single Skate Star programme to Platinum level allows you to follow the pathway into the British Ice Skating National test & competition structure. 

What will completing a Skate Star award give me?

Apart from a lot of pride in your achievement, completion of any single Skate Star programme to Platinum level allows you to follow the pathway into the British Ice Skating national test & competition structure.